Are you also getting problem that “Sorry, this content is age-restricted” while playing any videos on youtube? Have you turned on restricted mode on your youtube account?
If yes then you are at the right place to solve this problem by knowing that How to turn off age restriction on youtube?

When the owner of the video has turned on restricted mode while uploading videos or video is restricted by the youtube and If you come under the age of 18 then you are not eligible to watch that particular videos.
It means that if your date of birth in your google account is below 18 and that account is logged in with youtube and the video is restricted then you get the error.
Also, It could be that you would have turned on restricted mode on your youtube and want to Disable restriction mode.
So, We would tell you to turn off age restriction on your youtube account if you are getting “Sorry, this content is age-restricted” or have turned on age restriction using the step-by-step procedure.
Also, if you are YouTuber and turned on by mistake age restriction on your videos or got age restriction by youtube then for this also, we would tell you that how you can remove age restriction from your youtube video?
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What is Age Restriction on youtube?
One option in every youtube account available is Restricted mode and the other one is Age Restricted mode which is available for YouTubers.
So, the Restricted mode option shows in your youtube account that is to stop suggesting you to unsuitable videos like which is not family friend content or the videos that don`t appear to you if the owner of video is restricted the content
Now, Let`s know the age restriction mode option that appears while uploading a video. So, if your content contains Harmful or dangerous activities, Nudity and related to it content, Vulgar language, violent or graphic content etc. then the owner of the video needs to turn on age-restricted mode on that videos.
So, anyone who is under the 18, can`t able to see those types of videos as they are not suitable for them. I hope you understood that what is age restriction.
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How to Turn off age restriction on youtube as a viewer?
There could be the 3 cases in which you want to turn off the age restriction on youtube. So, accordingly to that you can get the procedure for turning off age restriction on youtube as a viewer or YouTuber.
By updating DOB
If you are playing any video and getting error as Sorry, this content is age restricted and want to continue that types of videos then you need to follow this method for that.
The error you get that because you are under 18 as your date of birth in your google account is less than 18 and the same Gmail account is connected with your youtube.
Those videos are restricted by the owner of the videos that would show the same error if your date of birth is less than 18 in Gmail account.
So, To solve this problem, just you need to change the date of birth in your google account which is logged in to your youtube.
Follow the below procedure to remove the age restriction on youtube by updating date of birth:-
- Open your youtube app and then tap to your profile icon.
- Tap on the manage your google account option as you can see in the below screenshot.

- Click on the personal info tab beside the Home tab.

- Tap on the Birthday option that shows your date of birth which is less than 18 years.

- Change the date of birth which is real e.i above 18 years and then Tap to the Save button.

- Tap the confirm button as it asks that you`re 18 years old . Is that correct?

- Finally, your date of birth would be updated in your google account as well as in youtube also.
By following the above procedure, you would be able to update your google account with date of birth. If your date of birth is above 18 then you would not get any age restricted while playing any youtube videos.
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Using Smartphone
If you have turned on restricted mode on your account then you were not seeing any unsuiatble content or above 18 years content.
But if you want to turn off restriction mode on youtube then you can do it easily and then youtube will turned off safety mode of your youtube account.
Follow the below procedure to turn off restrictions on youtube using your android and iphone:-
- Open the youtube app and tap on your profile icon and then click on the settings option.

- Tap on the General option that is at the top of the list.

- Scroll down and then toggle the option of Restricted mode.

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Using PC
The procedure we told above for mobile that is for turning off age restriction on youtub. So, same we would know to disable restricted mode using PC.
Its very simple to turn on or off restricted mode using the PC. Just you need to click to your youtube account icon and the option appear at the bottom for disabling or enablingn restriction mode on your pc.
Follow the below process to turn off restriction mode on youtube using desktop:-
- Click to the Youtube account profile and then click to the Restricted mode option at the bottom.
- Toggle to turn off the restricted mode beside the Activated restricted mode.

How to Remove age Restrictions on youtube as a Youtuber?
If you are YouTuber then mostly your video would have got restricted by youtube and want to remove that age restriction from your video.
So, if your video doesn`t contain any policy violation of age restriction then you can request to youtube for reviewing your youtube video and to remove age restriction.
By the way, when youtube restricted your video then you get notified through email that Youtube age-restricted your content. Also, you are notified that in which video, age-restricted is applied by youtube.
Follow the below process to turn off age restricted on your youtube video that was restricted by youtube:-
- Go to your youtube studio from browser and click to the Go to videos option for viewing all uploaded videos.
- Click to the title of the video and then click the edit icon.
- Scroll below and you will see there Request Review option, so click it.
- Now. there would ask in the box that please explain your reason to appeal for removing age restriction. So, you can type there that your video doesn`t contain any policy violation content and suitable for under 18.
- Now, you need to click on the Submit button.
After submitting your request, youtube will review your content once again and if there will not any policy violation content then age restriction will be removed.
FAQ on Turning off youtube age restriction
How do I get rid of age restriction on YouTube?
If you are trying to watch a particular video on youtube but showing that “Sorry, this content is age restricted” then this due to date of birth as you are under 18. But if you are really above 18 then you can watch the video by updating date of birth on your google account. For this, we have mentioned the step wose procedure in this page.
How do I turn off age restrictions on YouTube Mobile?
There is an option to turn on or off only restriction option on youtube. So if restriction mode is enabled in your youtube then you can turn off it which we have told step-wise procedure. But if you get the age restricted error while playing video then you need to update date of birth. For it also, step wise procedure are mentioned.
Why does my YouTube say age restricted?
When you play a video on youtube and shows that age restricted content then this is due to your age. The owner of the video has age restricted by which above 18 years of person can only see that video. So, your date of birth is less than 18 in your google account that is logged in youtube.
Why can’t I turn Restricted Mode off on YouTube?
You can easily turn off restricted mode on youtube if you have turned it on. Just you need to go to setting <General< and then you get the restricted mode option for turning off. By the way, we have mentioned the process of turning off restricted mode on youtube using your phone and PC with screenshot.
How do I turn off age restrictions on YouTube on iPhone?
If you are using iphone and want to turn off age restriction on youtube then you also need to follow the same process as android phone. Just you need to go to manage your google account and then there you would have to change your date of birth above 18. By doing this, age restriction would be turned off and you would be able to watch the restricted video.
Why are my YouTube videos restricted?
If your video contains policy violations like Harmful or dangerous activities, Nudity and related to it content, Vulgar language, violent or graphic content, etc. then your video gets age restricted by youtube. If you have got age restricted video but your content doesn’t contain these type of any unsuitable content then you can appeal for it.
How do I remove age restriction from my youtube video?
If your youtube video has got age restriction by youtube and it doesn`t contain any unsuitable content then you can request review to youtube for reviewing it and to remove age restriction for. So, you can do this easily just by following the steps which we have mentioned in this article.
How do you watch over 18 content on YouTube?
If you are above 18 and date of birth is correct on your google account that is linked with your youtube then you can easily watch age-restricted content means above 18.
But if you are less than 18 then you can`t watch it.
What happens if video is age restricted?
If any video is age restricted then given following things happen:–
1. Any person under 18 can`t watch that video.
2. If any person has enabled restricted mode then that video would not appear to them.
3. There would be no monetization or limited monetization on that particular age-restricted video.
4. If a video is embedded or hosted on any other website then also that video would be redirected to youtube and person would not be able watch it.
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It means that you want to update your date of birth in your google account which is linked to your youtube. So, for this, you need to just change your date of birth in your google account and that would also be updated for your youtube account.
I hope that you would have known well to turn off age restriction on youtube. One thing We would like to tell you that if you are really under 18 then don`t update your date of birth for above 18 to watch age restricted videos.
But if there is a wrong date of birth and you are really above 18 then you can change your date of birth in your google account for watching age-restricted videos on youtube.
We have tried to solve your problem regarding age restricted video on youtube whether you are YouTuber or a viewer.
If you have any query related to the removing age restriction on youtube then you can ask in the comment below.