Do you also have a jio phone and want to share jio phone internet to your Smartphone or Laptop? If yes then you are at the right place for using jio phone`s internet. Because we have mentioned solution on how to turn on Hotspot in Jio phone?
So, you don`t have to worry about the procedure for connecting your jio phone to pc or android phone to use the internet. As you are knowing that internet is speed is very fast on jio phone as compared to the android phone.

As well as with the fast internet connection speed, Jio phone users have to recharge their Jio sim of very low planned for internet data as compared to the recharge plan of jio phone sim of android phone.
One more interesting thing about jio phone that when a user purchases a new jio phone then the users are offered free recharge plan for 6 months to use the internet.
Due to the above reason, most of the users want to use jio phone internet to their Computer or Android phone. So, in this post, we will know that is it possible to Activate the hotspot in Jio phone? If yes then how you can do it.
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Can we connect jio phone internet to laptop and Smartphone?
Yes, you can easily connect your jio phone to Computer/ laptop and Android Smartphone by following some of the procedures. By the way, there is not any official method by the Jio Phone Operating software through which you can share the internet.
But there is some procedure by following which you will be able to use the internet on your PC or smartphone as a Wifi & USB tethering from the Jio phone.
So, let`s know below that what are the technique or methods for sharing internet from Jio phone to Laptop and smartphone.
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How to connect jio phone internet to pc and Android phone? 3 Methods
There are various ways to access the internet from Jio phone as Wi-Fi and USB tethering. So, we have mentioned a total of 3 methods to share the internet from Jio Phones to laptops and android phone.
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1. Share internet from jio phone to pc & Smartphone using USB Tethering
As i have mentioned in the heading that this method is using USB tethering. So, I would like to clear you that this method will be most suitable for the PC or Laptop system.
But you can also use jio phone internet on your android phone but not directly because you cannot connect USB cable to your smartphone from Jio phone.
But after connecting the internet of jio phone to the laptop or PC then you can use jio phone internet on your smartphone with the help of a computer or laptop. So, let`s know it using USB tethering for both Laptop and Smartphone device.
For Computer/Laptop
- 1.Install Qualcomm Driver on your Desktop or Laptop System. Follow the below procedure for installing Qualcomm USB Driver for Jio phone:-
- Click this link to for downloading qualcomn Driver on your System.
- As you click the link then Click on the Download button as you can see in the below screenshot.
- Now, extract the downloaded Zip file. So, right-click and then click to the extract here.
- As you extract it then a new folder will be created with the same number. So, open it.
- Right-click to the Set up .exe file and then click on the Run as administrator option.
- Then, it will start processing. After a few times, click on the Next option.
- Again click on the next option in the new window.
- In the next step, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click on the next option.
- Finally, click on the Install option as you can see in the below screenshot.
- After a couple of minutes, click on the Finish option.
- 2. Turn off the Cellular Data of your Jio phone.
- 3. Turn off the USB Storage of your Jio phone. Follow the below steps to disable it:-
- Open setting and then go to the storage section.
- Scroll below and open USB Storage option.
- Select disable option.
- 4. Connect USB Cable from Jio Phone to the port of your computer or laptop.
- 5. Finally, Your jio phone will be connected to your PC automatically Within a Few minutes.
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For Smartphone
By following the above Procedure and some other procedures, you can also use the internet on a smartphone from jio phone through the USB Tethering method.
As you are knowing that it is impossible to connect your Jio phone to an Android phone through USB tethering because the android phone cannot access the internet through USB tethering.
Follow the below procedure to connect jio phone to a smartphone for the internet:-
- Follow the above full procedure of the above method which is to connect your jio phone to PC through USB Tethering.
- As you connect your jio phone to a computer successfully then you will be able to use the internet on your PC. So, you have to share that same internet with your smartphone from your computer.
- Therefore, Turn on the Mobile hotspot of your Computer or laptop system.
- Finally, Turned on the Wi-fi of your smartphone
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2. Turn on Hotspot in jio phone using Hotspot app through OmnisD
- Firstly, you have to download the OmniSD application on your jio phone. Currently, we have not written article for the process of installing omniSD on Jio phone. So, you can know the procedure through youtube from reliable videos. (We will update it later for the procedure of installing omnisd)
- Download the JGHotspot zip file on your Desktop or laptop by clicking to the link.
- Connect your jio phone to your laptop or pc through the USB Cable for transferring files.
- As you connect then you have to move/copy and paste that JGhotspot zip file into the download file of internal storage of your Jio phone.
- Open the OmniSD app on your jio phone and the JGhotspot file will appear there. So, click on the install option.
- As you click to the install then you will be notified that the installation is successful. Now, come back to the home screen of your jio phone and then there will appear the JGHotspot app.
- Open the JGHotspot app on your jio phone and then Hotspot will turn on your Jio Phone and also the symbol of hotspot will appear on the top of the middle screen.
- As you open the JGHotspot app then the Password of a hotspot of your Jio Phone appears which will require in your smartphone or laptop while connecting through? the Wi-Fi.
- As you Turn on the wifi on your PC or Mobile and enter a password of the hotspot of your jio phone then wifi will be successfully connected to your Jio Phone. Now, you can use the internet on your smartphone or Computer from jio phone easily.
By following the above steps, you would have known that how to on Hotspot in Jio Phone? Just you have to follow the procedure whatever we have mentioned in the above Steps.
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3. Enable hotspot on Jio phone using Setting through OmniSD
- Firstly, Install the omniSD application on your jio phone and as we have mentioned in the above method that we have not written a procedure on the installation of omniSD Currently. So, you can know the procedure from youtube for the installation of the omniSD.
- Download Setting app on your Laptop or computer system by clicking the link.
- As the zip file is downloaded then connect your jio phone to the computer and move that zip file into the download file of internal storage of Jio phone.
- Open omniSD and select the Setting file and then click on the Install option. As you click on the install option then “Installation successful” will appear.
- Come back to the home screen and open the Settings app on your jio phone which has been installed through OmnisD. (Note:- After installing the setting app through omnisd, there will be two setting app. So, you don`t have to open the pre-installed setting app)
- Scroll down below and click on the “Internet Sharing” option.
- Finally, Turn on the Wifi Hotspot option.
What are the advantages of using the internet from Jio Phone?
Below are the few points in which advantages of sharing internet from jio phone to other devices are mentioned:-
- You have to recharge your jio number which is inserted on your jio phone in a very low cost as compared to the smartphone.
- There will be a fast internet speed due to the Jio sim and Jio phone. If you have used the internet on jio phone then you might have been experienced that the internet runs very fast on jio phone as compared to the smartphone on the same operator of jio SIM.
- If you have a jio phone and a laptop or PC then no need to buy a Dongle, or Hotspot external device or broadband to use the internet or any smartphone.
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FAQ on Turning on Hotspot in Jio Phone
How do I transfer data from Jio phone to Android?
No, you cannot transfer the internet data from the sim of jio phone to the sim of an android phone. Because there is not an option given by the jio operator for transferring internet data.
How do I turn on Internet Sharing on Jio phone?
Previously, the Hotspot option as an internet sharing had been launched by the jio but currently, that is unavailable because due to some reason they have closed it.As the hotspot application is installed on the jio phone through the omniSD then Hotspot will be turned on and you cannot connect it to any smartphone or PC.
Is there hotspot app on Jio Phone officially?
There was an option for turning on hotspot which was launched by the jio to their kaios operating system of jio phone. This hotspot option was appearing in the setting of jio phone to those jio phone users who had updated their Kaios Version. But within a few days, that hotspot option had been closed by the Jio due to some reason and the Hotspot option had disappaerd on every jio phone.
Finally, you would have been able to know how you can share the internet from your jio phone to the PC or android phone by turning on hotspot option using omnisd.
If you have any query related to connecting jio phone to pc or mobile for using the internet then let us know in the comment.