Are you also seeing last seen recently in telegram on other`s contact? If yes then you are at the right place to know the meaning of last seen recently and why it is appearing on telegram?
Basically, we are curious to know when our friends are last active or online on telegram. So, we open our friend’s chat on telegram to see their active status.

But there shows that “Last seen recently” below their name on telegram, due to this, you`re not able to know the exact time of their last seen.
I`m sure that you want to know all about last seen recently, due to this reason only, right? So, don`t worry by the end of the page, you would be able to know everything about it.
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What does last seen recently in telegram means?
When someone hides their last seen on Telegram, you will see a “last seen recently” text under their profile. However, this depends on the time duration from which the person hasn’t used Telegram.
For instance –
- Last seen recently – it indicates that the person had not used Telegram for a minute to two/three days.
- Last seen within a week – this text will be displayed when the person has not come online for two to seven days.
- Last seen within a month – it shows that the person has not used Telegram for the past seven days to one month.
- Last seen a long time ago – this text stipulates that the person has not used Telegram for more than a month. It can also be displayed when the user has blocked you.
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Why you are seeing last seen recently on other`s contact on telegram?
There can be two grounds behind you seeing “last seen recently” on others’ contact. Those are-
- You’ve turned off your last seen status on Telegram.
- The other user has turned off their last seen status on the app.
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How to show last seen recently on telegram? (Hide last seen)
It is simple to do this, so just don’t worry. Follow the guide-
- 1. On the top left corner, three horizontal lines are displayed. Click on those lines.

- 2. Tick on the settings ( 6th option in the list).

- 3. Now, find the “privacy and security” feature in the settings. Once you locate it, press on it.

- 4. There, the “last seen and online” feature will be displayed. Flick on it.

- 5. Now, three options will be shown on your screen –
- Everybody – you should choose this when you want to show your last seen status to everyone on Telegram.
- My Contacts – this option can be used when you want only your contacts can view your last seen.
- Nobody – you can click on this when you don’t want anyone to see your last seen. (When you want to hide your last seen status from everyone).
Note – Don’t think your last seen can be properly turned off. Telegram will show the approximate timings of your last seen to its users.
Once you turn your last seen settings on, you won’t be able to see another user’s last seen as well.
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How to hide last seen from specific person on telegram?
Many people want to turn off their last seen status for some specific individuals or groups. Are you one of those individuals? Yes? Here is how you can hide your last seen on Telegram from particular people-
- Press on the three horizontal lines given on the top left corner of your screen.
- Press on settings.
- Now move to the “privacy and security” feature of your telegram account.
- Look for the “never share with” option.

- On the front of this, the” add users” text is given. Click on it and add the users in the list whom you don’t want to show your last seen.

- Here, you will see the “last seen and online” option. Click on it. ( You can also add the whole group to this list easily).

One more thing – if you have selected everybody or my contacts in the above option, then only you can hide your last seen from specific people.
Because if you have selected nobody, no one can view your last seen, including these specific people.
Once you turn off your last seen for these specific people, you also won’t be able to see their last seen.
Note – approximate timings of your last seen will appear; you can’t hide your last seen properly. These approximate timings include recently, within a week, within a month, and a long time ago.
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How to see last seen on telegram if hidden?
Well, you might be curious to see the last seen of someone. So don’t worry, here’s the guide-
There are various last-seen trackers apps available on the google play store. Let’s know about the apps –
- 1. LastSeen – Telegram tracking
- 2. TeleWatch tracker for Telegram
- 3. TG tracker
FAQ on Telegram Last seen recently
You can also check the FAQ related to telegram on the official website of telegram.
Does last seen recently on telegram means blocked?
No, the last seen recently doesn’t indicate that the user has blocked you. If the user’s status is not appearing, it indicates that you are blocked.
How to remove last seen recently on telegram?
You can try changing your last seen settings on Telegram. This is the only option to remove “last seen recently”. And if your problem is still not solved, there is no other option. Because the last seen recently is only shown when you or the other user have changed the last seen settings.
What does telegram last seen a long time ago means?
Last seen a time ago is displayed when the user has not come online on Telegram for more than a month.
What are the options to hide my last seen?
There are four options to hide your last seen on telegram. All of those are-
– Hiding it from no one
– Hiding it from everyone.
– Hiding it from exceptions
– Viewing it to only your contacts
Can you see someone last seen if you have hide last seen on telegram?
Yes, you can view someone else’s last seen even if you have turned off yours. But for this, you need to download other apps to view the last seen.
I hope you would have understood well about the terms last seen recently on instagram. So, if it shows like this and you want to know the exact last seen of that person,
then that is not easy to see. Because officially there is not any way to know the exact time of last seen recently.
Only you can guess from 1 minute to 2-3 days if showing last seen recently on your friends contact on telegram.
If you have any doubt related to the last seen on telegram then you can comment below.